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Factions are designed so that players need other players to obtain some of the items needed/wanted. This is to help promote community and a thriving economy based on supply and demand system.


Bonuses for joining a faction: 


*Being able to attend faction only events.

*Only faction members can purchase merchants.

*Players earn their faction 1s per week. It is up to their faction lead how the money is divided out.



Factions within Dornwich:


Crafters - This is made up of those that want to focus on selling tailor or leather goods, armor of any type, dyes (Tailoring, Leatherworking, Blacksmithing, Armor Smithing, Weapon Smithing, Natural Substances)


Wood Workers - This is made up of those that want to focus on ship building, carpentry, wagon making etc. (Shipbuilding, Carpentry, Fine Carpentry)


Chef  boyardeewurm - These are your cooks. This includes cheese, bread and beverage makers. This is not farmers. (Cooking/Hot Food Cooking)


Agriculture - This is made up of those that want to focus on Animal Husbandry and farming. Farming includes any food type item along with cotton and wemp. (Animal Husbandry, Farming, Bees/Honey)


Mining Company - This is made up of those that want to focus on the mines. They deal with anything that comes from inside a cave. Salt, flint, iron, zinc, marble, slate, copper, rock shards, etc. This also includes things such as bricks, slabs, etc. (Mining, stone cutting, Masonry) 



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